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Download judge anderson dredd

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She's the most powerful psychic we've ever come across by a huge margin. Chief Judge: The Judges Council have chosen to overlook her status. Chief Judge: What can you tell me about the person I am with? Cassandra Anderson: Male. Judge Dredd: So what's she doing in a uniform? Chief Judge: Rookie Anderson. Ethan Zwirner: What'd you say? Judge Dredd: I said, "Hot Shot."Ĭhief Judge: Her final Academy score put her three percentile points below a pass. Ethan Zwirner: What're you doin? Didn't you hear what I said? I'll kill the bitch! Judge Dredd: Yeah, I heard you, Hotshot. You let me walk or I blow her fucking brains out. You know why? You got no fucking leverage! Here's the deal. Ethan Zwirner: You aren't a very good negotiator, Judge. If you do not comply, the sentence is death. Your crimes include multiple homicide and the attempted murder of a Judge. Ethan Zwirner: Life without parole? That's the deal you're offering? Judge Dredd: Only if you comply. You're mine.ĭialogue Judge Dredd: Release the hostage unharmed, and I guarantee you a sentence of life in an iso-cube without parole. If I hear of anyone helping the Judges, I will kill them and the next generation of their family. Everyone else, clear the corridors and stay the fuck out of our way until the shooting stops. All clan, every level, hunt the Judges down. Until I get what I want, the block is locked down. I know there are good people inside, good families just trying to get by.

  • I was born and raised in a block like this before the Justice Department took me.
  • Only one thing fighting for order in the chaos: Judges. 800 million people living in the ruin of the old world and the mega structures of the new one. Your crimes are multiple homicides, and the illegal manufacture and distribution of narcotics. Any who obstruct me in carrying out my duty will be treated as an accessory to her crimes. Guilty of murder, guilty of the manufacture and distribution of the narcotic known as Slo-Mo, and as of now, under sentence of death. In case you people have forgotten, this block operates under the same rules as the rest of the city.
  • Inhabitants of Peach Trees, this is Judge Dredd.
  • Only one thing fighting for order in the chaos: the men and women of the Hall of Justice.

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    Inside the walls, a cursed city, stretching from Boston to Washington D.C.

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